Playing with Fire…or Burning down the Kitchen?

Leslea is a woman after my own heart. And I don’t mean that in a monstery, axe-and-spoony kind of way. Leslea is the one who got me hooked on blogging (blame her). She’s one of my greatest cheerleaders, and she doesn’t hesitate to tell me things I don’t want to hear: the mark of a true friend who respects your reactions and trusts the friendship.

Leslea recently sprang for a Kindle Fire. Tell us about it, gurlfren!

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Brrr…do you feel that cool breeze outside? Time to curl up inside and warm up next to a hot, roaring Fire. Yes, I said “Fire,” as in the new Kindle Fire.

I confess I am rather late to the ebook party. While my dear friend Marian has been actively publishing ebooks for years, I have remained a bit snobbish about an ebook’s lack of moldy, dusty, yellowing pages. My public library hasn’t stocked ebooks with brittle, crackling plastic covers. There were no ebooks lined up prettily on display tables at Books-A-Million, either. No boxes of ebooks to sort through at yard sales. What was in an ebook for me?

Turns out, a lot.

So what has changed, the past few years? A better question might be, “What hasn’t?”

The Kindle, Nook, and other assorted ereaders debuted, and promptly caught on like, well, wildfire. Having been an anti-consumerist, work-at-home underpaid journalist for years, (read, minimal disposable income), my first thought about the Kindle was “Great, that’ll just make it easier to blow ten bucks on a whim with every instantaneous download.”

But that was when all ebooks were the same price as hardback books. Times, oh, how they have been a-changin’. This past September, I finally made the leap into epublishing, myself, and it wasn’t long before my eyes were opened about the number and types of books that are available for free and cheap to the casual reader.

There are literally thousands of free books available online, as well as low-priced/high rated, as well. One doesn’t have to go broke to enjoy the convenience of an ereading device. When you think about the trade-offs of gas & time & shipping expenses, ebooks can be a choice that puts you money ahead, even. Did I mention I am frugal? Okay, I’m a TIGHTWAD, I admit it.

Economics aside, I started thinking of all the cool things I would do with my new Fire. Of course *food* sprang to mind, and when I think about bloggers who write entertaining posts about food, I think of Marian. If you’re still planning your menu for Thanksgiving, you probably shouldn’t miss her recipe for roast veggies on my blog on Wednesday. Read her post to see an example of how the new Fire tablet (with cooking apps and web browsing capabilities) could change the way you use your kitchen, every day.

I personally cook with my iPad in the kitchen all the time (every time I try a new recipe!), so I’m really looking forward to seeing what cooking with Fire will be like.

Here are some cookbooks I’m keen to try out on my new Fire:

Recipes Tried and True, by the Presbyterian Ladies’ Aid: Hey, if anyone knows a thing or two about cookin’, it’s church ladies. Price: Free, as of this writing.

Dishes and Beverages of the Old South: Guess what! Paula Deen did not invent Southern cooking. 😉 Price: Free, as of this writing.

Circle of Friends Savory Pie Recipes: Most of the time when people say “pie,” we think of dessert—but this book takes us through Chicken Pot Pie and beyond. Spaghetti Pie? Really? I’m game to try. Price: Free, as of this writing

Then, there is my old stand-by, the Fannie Farmer Cookbook by Marion Cunningham, which, unfortunately is not yet available in ebook form. But you know what I can access with my Fire tablet?

How about the lady herself, Ms. Cunningham, in the kitchen with Julia Child, making Buttermilk Crumb Muffins?

Are you hot for cooking yet? If you’re anything like me, make sure you proceed with caution. I’ve been known to drop phones into bathtubs and toilets before—I’ll probably be wearing my new Fire on a strap around my neck, until I’ve proven myself trust-worthy in this venture. Just remind me to stay away from the stock pots, would ya?

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Leslea Tash is a writer in Southern Indiana & a full-time homeschooling mom of four, currently working on a collection of her nationally syndicated parenting/family life columns entitled Guerrilla Mothering. Lately she’s blogging about the new Amazon Fire, among other topics, at When she’s not cooking with Fire and fiddling with other electronics, she publishes top-rated dark fantasy fiction under the name Red Tash. Visit for more details, and if you see her on Facebook, Twitter, or Google plus, please say hello. She chats back!

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Thanks, Ms. Tash! I hope you love your eReader as much as I’m lovin’ mine!

Leslea is giving away a copy of her new eBook, THIS BRILLANT DARKNESS on these terms:

I will be happy to give away an ebook copy of THIS BRILLIANT DARKNESS to a random commentor on your site who knows the answer to the following trivia question:

What character from Stephen King’s The Stand (movie) says “Doctor told me to cut out the coffee, I only have one cup a day… no, two cups a day.  Besides, he’s dead and I’m still living.”
WRITING PROMPT: Does your main character cook from memory, from stained and dog-eared recipe cards, from cookbooks, from the backs of the microwavable packages or not at all?



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Playing with Fire…or Burning down the Kitchen?

  1. Morgan Mandel

    November 21, 2011 at 9:51am

    My characters are not big on cooking, probably because I’m not either!

    Don’t know the quote you mention. I’d Google it, but I’ve got a scan and a backup going at the same time and the computer is straining!

    Morgan Mandel

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      November 21, 2011 at 12:53pm

      Morgan, maybe that’s why so many of my characters love to cook–because I do. On the other hand, some of my favorites of my characters couldn’t boil water. lol

      Permalink  ⋅ Reply
  2. Helen Ginger

    November 21, 2011 at 10:23am

    Don’t know the answer to the question, but if I had to guess, I’d say it was the killer who said it.

    I have an iPad which I’m beginning to read on. I really like it. Haven’t downloaded any cookbooks, though. That would be a great idea, esp if the recipe came with color pictures!

    Permalink  ⋅ Reply
    • Author

      Marian Allen

      November 21, 2011 at 12:55pm

      Helen, the woman who sat behind me at the opera yesterday had an iPad. I thought about clubbing her and taking it and stuffing her in a sack or something, but they were doing THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO and not RIGOLETTO, so I thought I probably couldn’t get away with it. 😉 The iPad is so responsive! The off-brand device I bought, you have to pull a gun on to get it to do what you want.

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  3. Leslea Tash

    November 21, 2011 at 11:11am

    w00t! Thanks for featuring me, Marian! All, look for a post from Marian on my blog *very soon*.

    I can’t believe no one’s guessed the quote yet…hrm…

    Oh, and my new FIRE came this weekend! Finally! Hope to report on it this week, if Turkey Day doesn’t get in the way!

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    • Author
      • Leslea

        November 21, 2011 at 3:12pm

        Posting with it right now! It zipped right from this entry to youtube tor me, snappy-like!

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  4. Sharon Reece

    November 21, 2011 at 11:22am

    Enjoyed the read. Hmm…maybe the Fire would be useful in the kitchen. I’m continually running back and forth between the kitchen and my laptop as I cook using a new recipe I found. (I do also use my dog-eared recipe cards as well!)

    Sorry I can’t answer the question about the quote. I’m sure my grown son would know it in a heartbeat, but he’s not available at the moment. Maybe later if I remember to come back…

    Marian, thanks for hosting your “gurlfren” – loved it.

    Permalink  ⋅ Reply
    • Leslea Tash

      November 21, 2011 at 11:40am

      Yes, exactly! I have been using my iPad this way for quite some time. I just got my Fire and the jury’s still out…but I’ll post more later. Thanks, and please do send your son by to guess. 🙂

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      • Author

        Marian Allen

        November 21, 2011 at 12:57pm

        I would have no way of knowing the quote. King gives me the heebie-jeebies!

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      November 21, 2011 at 12:56pm

      Glad you enjoyed the visit, Sharon. I’ll be guesting on Leslea’s blog Real Soon Now. 🙂

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      November 21, 2011 at 12:57pm

      Oh, YES, I love Project Gutenberg! Thanks for providing a link, Bob. Everybody, GO!

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