Penguin For A Pet #SampleSunday

I haven’t posted a poem for a long time. Some people might say I’m not posting a POEM now, within the strictest meaning of the term. You know what those people can do, don’t you? IF THEY DON’T LIKE IT, THEY CAN LUMP IT, THAT’S WHAT!

ANYWAY, here’s a poem. It’s a song, really. I hear a tune to it. You tune might be different than mine. That’s okay. Your penguin would be different, too.

I Want A Penguin For A Pet

I want a penguin for a pet!A Penguin for a pet
(a penguin for a pet)
How cute can you get?
(cute can you get)
The little ones are fuzzy and the big ones are slick –
They waddle and they wobble – Just to see ’em gets me tickled.
Let me have a penguin!
Gotta have a penguin!
I’ll raise him from a baby –
Don’t say “No” or “Maybe” –
Let me have a penguin for a pet!!

A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: Write about someone who has a penguin for a pet.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Penguin For A Pet #SampleSunday

  1. Pierre Laberge

    September 21, 2014 at 7:31am

    Well, they are smaller, cheaper, easier to handle, and easier to clean up from… than Hippopotamuses!
    (Sorry, I could not resist!)

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  2. Jane

    September 21, 2014 at 9:40am

    Yay, a penguin!

    Maybe somebody could also send you an iceberg for the little cutie to live on??

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    • Pierre Laberge

      September 21, 2014 at 3:44pm

      Yes, definitely ICE will be needed. No one wants a hot penguin. They’re supposed to be cooler than the Fonz.

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