An Adventure by Chekhov #DealMeIn2018

Clubs came up this week for my Deal Me In story reading challenge, so I read a Chekhov story.

An Adventure

by Anton Chekhov

Oh, lord have mercy, this one was so grisly, it might as well have been a fairy tale. A man and his little girl are taking rent money to their landlord. The father stops in an inn, drinks too much, and talks about all the money he’s carrying. Murder and attempted murder follow. The girl survives by being clever and at the expense of someone else’s life. Pretty ghastly.


Next month is May (no duh). But what I’m getting is that I’ve been participating in Story A Day May for several years. So I’m thinking maybe I’ll use my weekly story as a prompt for my daily stories on the Mondays of May.


I’ve traditionally written a Holly Jahangiri story on the Sundays of May. But I need to stop doing that, because I’m going to collect them into a … er … well … collection. So shall I brainstorm scenes for a Holly Jahangiri novel on the Sundays of May? Yes? No?

Meanwhile, if YOU need a short story to read, I have free ones here on my Free Reads page. I also have four collections for 99 cents each linked from my Short Stories page.

Also, I have a new book of humorous short stories entitled LONNIE, ME, AND…. available through Amazon, Kindle, and indie bookstores.

Amazon Print



A WRITING PROMPT BASED ON MY POST: A character has too many things going on at once.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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