Poet Builds Insect Hotel for Three #FridayRecommends

Friday Recommends

Did you know Lawrence Ferlinghetti is alive and kicking? At 100? Well, he is! Kickin’ hard, too. Great post, with great videos. Thanks to my ELH (ever-lovin’ husband) for sending it to me.

Now, if you’ve ever wanted to build an insect hotel but didn’t know quite how to go about it, your old pal, MomGoth (that’s me), has got you covered. Well, actually, Catherine Winter has got you covered in this article on Inhabit. I joke, but let me see one tomato hornworm, and I’m all about the parasitic wasps.

My friend and fellow writer Tammy Breitweiser is at it again, being all inspiring and stuff! This time, she has a prompt for writing or just plain thought that will get your brain juice flowing. Great questions to ask your elders, too.

A WRITING PROMPT FROM ME TO YOU: Follow Tammy’s prompt!



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Poet Builds Insect Hotel for Three #FridayRecommends

  1. joey

    March 31, 2019 at 11:51am

    I did NOT know Felinghetti was still alive, and am rather wowed after reading this article and do you know his poem Sometime During Eternity is my favorite poem of all time? For the longest time, I only had a handout of that poem, in a pile of others, from my enigmatic high school English teacher, and when I got to college, I showed it to my writing prof and asked her if she knew whose it was and she said MAYBE Ferlinghetti, and it would be several more years (until I got into the internet) before I knew it was truly his and got more of his poems. But BEAT POET does not make me think, “Hey this dude is probably still around…” ya know?
    Anyway, thank you for furthering my education and leading me to search the library’s database to collect more of his words. Quite the messenger, you are.
    Also, I’d LOVE to have an insect house in my back 40 and I am pretty sure I will have to pay someone to build the frame, so that’s nowhere near going to happen.

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