Boolah Boolah is the Yale University fight song, and, back in the day, was shorthand for college life. Shorthand, children, was a way of taking dictation. Dictation, children, was when somebody spoke and somebody else wrote it down using symbols to represent common words or…

Not Jane, just for a change! lol Jane is one of my longest-standing besties, for sure, but I was rummaging through some old photos yesterday and came up with this: A Bestie of Long Standing This is Kathie Hart. We went to Iroquois High School…

Groovy? I’ll tell the world! Check out that Beatle-y hairdo. And, oh! if this picture were only in color! That dress was a shift with three cloth ruffles on the bottom. The dress was sherbert orange with little pink polka-dots on it, and two of…