It’s Suuuuuunnndaaaaayyyy. Sundays of Story A Day May, I write stories about the fictional Holly Jahangiri, set on the plannett … er, planet Llannonn, which is the main setting of my currently out-of-print sf-cop-farce, FORCE OF HABIT. As always, I give acknowledgement and thanks to…

Hi, there! I’m Tipper Allen, and guess what? Momma says I can write a story today, ’cause it’s Story A Day Man and it’s Caturday! She giveded me a prompt and ’splained them to me, so here goes. Tipper and the Monster by Tipper Allen…

Last night, I thought, “I’ll never get a story out of these prompts. I’ll have to grab something else in the morning.” But I was wrong. Snickers by Marian Allen Jon stumbled on tree root. Anthony put out a hand to steady him, but Jon…