I didn’t use today’s Story A Day prompt, but that’s okay. Julie says it’s OUR Story A Day May, and we can do whatever helps us write. I love that! So, it being Sunday of May, I have a Holly Jahangiri story. The imaginary one,…

Sorry I’m so late. I’ve been trying to write in the hotel at this convention. First, the breakfast room was filled with a fabulous and highly entertaining baseball team. Then, my co-attendees came down to keep me company. Then, when I retreated to the room…

Creatures of Habit by Marian Allen Young Holly Jahangiri jogged through the streets of Boonieburgh, waving at her friends, neighbors, and relatives as she ran. It was hard to believe she’d soon be going to Council City to begin her apprenticeship. Apprentice Librarian Holly Jahangiri!…