My Deal Me In deck turned up clubs, which means Chekhov. Roy A. Ackerman, PH.D., E.A., recommended “The Black Monk”, so I decided to read it. The Black Monk by Anton Chekhov If Oscar Wilde and Edgar Allan Poe had a baby, it would be…

My Deal Me In deck gave me a heart this week, so I got to read a story by Alicia Butcher Ehrhardt. Alicia is the author of PRIDE’S CHILDREN: PURGATORY, one of my all-time favorite books. Her short stories, posted generously on her blog, are…

My Deal Me In short story reading challenge turned up clubs, which means Chekhov. For once, I read a Chekhov story about children that didn’t make me want to poke my eyes out. He can write the saddest, ghastliest stories about children! But not this…