HELLO! My name is CHICKIE! Clover, the groundhog cat, was very naughty this week, and Mommy is really mad. Clover snuck up on the Hens and Chicks plant… AND EATED IT!!!!! Maybe that’s why Mommy ran away last weekend to a thing called InConjunction in…

Sweetie Pie wrote about a tortoise and her own tortoiseshell coloring yesterday, so of course I have to share an excerpt from my fantasy trilogy, SAGE, with tortoise and a tortoiseshell cat in it. Tortoise And The Tortoiseshell excerpt from SAGE by Marian Allen Nerissa…

The Mother of Life was pleased with these, and turned back to Tortoise, certain she could do a better job on him now.

He was gone.

While she was distracted with better creations, Tortoise had seized his chance and slipped away.

~The audience laughed. It was such a Tortoise thing to do.~