Writers’ Tools: Digital Word Processor

Here is mine, and I wouldn’t sell it for any amount of money.

This amazing piece of wetware has been around for some time, but it just doesn’t wear out. It’s compact and portable–mine goes everywhere with me! Sometimes I slip it into my pocket, sometimes I just let it dangle from its own articulated lanyard. It comes attached to a renewable power source, so there’s no downtime while it recharges. Its instant-on technology means it’s ready to get to work when I am. I use it mostly as a word processor but, depending on what program one runs, it’s also capable of calculation and artwork.

Best of all, it’s totally compatible with an unlimited combination of peripherals. No matter where I am, I’m always ready to log an impression, record an idea or make a memo of a character sketch or a bit of dialog.

Some of my peripherals:

I generally compose my stories and novels directly on the computer, but I do better with poetry and planning if I start with the digital processor. And I haven’t yet figured out how to tear off a bit of an electronic word processor to wrap old chewing gum.

Seriously–I beg your pardon; I meant to say srsly–I’m never without a writing implement and a bit of paper so that, if I find myself stuck somewhere with an inspiration and minute, I can do a little writing.

Do you ever use a digital word processor? Do you ONLY use a digital word processor, then transfer the finished product to ones and zeroes?

WRITING PROMPT:    Have a character who is accustomed to using either paper-and-pen or electronics and force him/her to use the unaccustomed medium.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Writers’ Tools: Digital Word Processor

  1. Aayesha Wehab

    January 21, 2014 at 12:07am

    Hello Marian Allen
    I think keeping a diary & a pen is also great peripherals which can manager your work well. Although there are lots of devices are available to store notes, but nothing can replace a diary & pen.

    Thanks Regards,

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      January 21, 2014 at 10:09am

      I don’t keep a diary, Aaesha, but I do carry a little notebook and several pens everywhere. I agree that electronic storage devices can’t replace pen and paper. Nothing is going to keep you from accessing pen and paper, but a malfunction or long-term power loss would make your digital content unavailable to you. Horrors!

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  2. Kathy Waller

    August 14, 2010 at 6:04pm

    I’m addicted to the peripherals, love buying paper, pens, notebooks. But those crayons are the best.

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      Marian Allen

      August 15, 2010 at 12:56pm

      Oh, man, I LOVE boxes of crayons! The more colors, the better. I’d probably enjoy them even more if I weren’t partially colorblind….

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  3. Patricia Stoltey

    August 3, 2010 at 5:12pm

    I was halfway through the second paragraph before I realized what you were talking about, which is the perfect beginning for an excellent humor piece. Well done, Marian.

    My digital word processor hasn’t been used in a while. Maybe I should take it to a coffee shop and give it a workout.

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      Marian Allen

      August 3, 2010 at 6:36pm

      Just don’t spill hot coffee on it. Digital word processors don’t like that!

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  4. Kaye George

    August 3, 2010 at 10:49am

    I had to click over here from SMFS to see this marvel of engineering. You got me!! Very funny. I’m never without some paper and something that (I hope) writes. Lacking that, I phone a message to my home answering machine.

    I love the idea of taking notes from rude people, too!

    If it weren’t for carpal tunnel and tendonitis, caused by the computer, I’d love to compose on the digital. But mine is, alas, defective.

    Thanks for a laugh early in the day!

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      August 3, 2010 at 7:48am

      I almost always compose on a computer. I’m one of those edit-as-I-go people. Even as I type or write, I hear the words in my head and think again reconsider hear echoes of alternates that would be better. So a computer has been a godsend, to me and to my first readers. lol! But I’m very attached to my digital word processor, and would hate to be parted from it.

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  5. James Hartley

    August 2, 2010 at 10:12pm

    ROTFLMAO! That was beautifully done. But it should make us think, those of us who never do anything without the computer. Maybe, at least occasionally, there is another way …

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      August 3, 2010 at 7:42am

      I really don’t go anywhere without paper and pens–multiple pens. If nothing else, it gives you something to do if somebody is rude to you. You just take out your paper and a pen and say, very pleasantly, “Would you mind repeating that? I’m a writer, you know. I’m taking notes.” ::evil grin::

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