I was scheduled to have a post at Donna Fletcher Crow’s Deeds of Darkness, Deeds of Light today, and it may yet go up today or it may not–these things happen. If it does go up, I’ll link directly to it. Meanwhile, there’s a really good post up there now featuring DeAnna Julie Dodson’s mysteries set in mystery’s Golden Age, the 1930s.
So here is a picture of a gentleman I met at Context this year, a friend of a friend of a friend. He was intelligent, charming, funny, courteous…and has nice knees, as I see in the picture, although, naturally, I was totally appropriate in my regard when speaking with him.
The next sf convention I go to won’t be until spring, alas, but we’re going to Magna cum Murder mystery convention in October, and that’s always fun. My next release from Echelon Press, FORCE OF HABIT, will be a science fiction mystery…sorta…so I might be able to promote that. I don’t have cover art yet, so that may take some thinking. Ouch! it hurts!
So, until tomorrow, or possibly later today, adieu, kind friends, adieu.
WRITING PROMPT: Imagine an overbearing character who thinks men in skirts are wimps meeting up with this gentleman in his kilt.