In case you don’t know, November is NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth–NaNoWriMo. My work-in-progress is called PICKLE IN A PEAR TREE. It’s part of the Spadena Street series. So far, I have one short story (“The Spirit of Spadena Street“) and two roughs from previous NaNos (DOWN AND DIRTY DEATH and BAR SINISTER), also set on Spadena Street. If the widget works, you can follow my progress on the sidebar of this blog. Come to think of it, if the widget doesn’t work, I can just post my word count whenever I think of updating it here. Or you can go to my NaNo page and follow it there, as well as reading a synopsis of the plot and an excerpt.
It’s the first of the month, so there’s a new Hot Flash for your momentary reading pleasure.
The driver of the shuttle was not found dead in his van on Sunday morning, but he was spotted trying to jump start the shuttle, so at least IT died. As per KKBrees’ suggestion, shuttle and driver will be in next year’s NaNo book. Closer to the time, if I don’t forget, I’ll run a contest for a title for it.
Speaking of contests, not many people even tried to guess what my costume was. Enid Wilson is the only one who even tried to guess, so she wins, especially as she was almost right. She guessed “a witch” and I was The Blair Witch Project. Enid gets her choice of Team Micah or Team Coalition button from the EEL’S REVERENCE CafePress store, or (surprise prize) a PDF copy of EEL’S REVERENCE.
We had a great time at Magna, which I’ll post about at some length another day. I’m late, as it is, because I wanted to get my words done for NaNo before I posted. I did 2,042, in case it doesn’t show.
WRITING PROMPT: Does your main character like structure or not? Whether he/she does or not, think up a situation where the structure is too rigid for comfort.
Mary Montague Sikes - Monti
November 1, 2010 at 6:12pmMarian,
I’ll be looking to see what you’re doing with NaNo. I signed up but don’t think I can do everything this month with the blog book tour as well.
Marian Allen
November 1, 2010 at 8:27pmOh, my goodness, no! Maybe you could do a tour and NaNo, if you had a support staff of ten. lol! Your book came and I’m so excited! 🙂