I finally got to meet my friend Jane for lunch in Louisville yesterday. Her mom’s health, my mom’s health and a brutally hot summer kept us from it all too long. Science has proven that there is no coping skill for women more effective than gurlfrens. And gurlfrens are over-the-counter, too. No health insurance necessary, and pre-existing conditions are expected.
We both have air conditioning, and we meet in air-conditioned places, but what if my car broke down on the way? Gurlfrens worry about that. Jane didn’t like to think of me stopped at the side of the highway in a old-model four-wheeled Easy-Bake Oven, and neither did I, so we postponed and postponed and finally made it!
We met at Crave, one of our favorites, and I had the Pick Two of chicken/Parmesan soup and grilled cheese. Jane had Bammm!!! I’m Good and chicken and brown rice soup, in case you’re wondering.
Then she took me out driving through a Storybook Style neighborhood and I snapped pictures until my snapper was sore. When I get caught up with my NaNoWriMo words, I’ll post a gallery of them.
Naturally, we ended up at Java Brewing Company. I would rather we went to Heine Brothers Coffee, since that’s where Daughter #4 works, but Java is right there, and it’s become one of our haunts, so that’s where we go. Gurlfrens have haunts, you know.
The day was over too soon, but I came home and ripped through my NaNo words for the day. Gurlfrens make you strong.
WRITING PROMPT: Do you have a best friend, one you can count on to support you when things are tough and is still your friend when you succeed at something? Write something about that. If you don’t have one, don’t feel bad. They’re rare. Just BE one to somebody. đŸ™‚