Yesterday, I sent an order for an ad to Joe Barkson, The Chef of World Wide Recipes, asking people to buy EEL’S REVERENCE before Christmas because I’m donating my royalties between now and Christmas to fellow author D. M. Anderson, who has been in the hospital. I asked that the ad run sometime between now and Christmas, and the sooner the better so Dave might get the largest possible donation.
Joe ran the ad today! Thanks, Joe! He really exemplifies the Recitopian motto: Be Nice–Nice is Good. Recitopia is the world we WWR subscribers inhabit, wherever we may live geographically. Believe me, it’s a great place to be.
World Wide Recipes, in case you don’t know about it, is the best darn recipezine in the whole darn universe. Click on that link up there and go look around. You’ll be glad you did.
I signed up for NaNoBloPo this month, in which one pledges to post every day for a month. I figured why not? since I post every dang day anyway, unless there’s a power outage. The electricity, I mean, not me. They have daily prompts, which is fun. Today’s is “If you could erase one kind of animal from the face of the earth, what would it be?” I guess “assholes” probably doesn’t count.
My answer is: bedbugs. Until somebody shows me what ecological purpose bedbugs serve that would destroy the ecosystem if it were removed, that’s my final answer.
WRITING PROMPT: What is your main character baking or making as a Christmas treat that his/her family wishes he/she wouldn’t?
December 4, 2010 at 9:08amWhat a generous act on your part, a wonderful thing to see this holiday season. Raising my coffee cup in a toast to your goodwill!
I clicked over from Nancy’s blog, and second your bedbug choice too!
Marian Allen
December 4, 2010 at 9:51amThanks for the toast, Joanne! Lifting my coffee cup in reply. 🙂
December 4, 2010 at 3:59amHello! I came by from N.R. Williams blog – what a lovely kind gesture for a blogger buddy. Not heard of World Wide Receipes before but it sounds great. And definitely agree with you about the bedbugs!
Marian Allen
December 4, 2010 at 8:52amThanks, Nancy, Amanda, Jayne. Our publisher asked us to publicize the print version Dave’s book, KILLER COWS by D. M. Anderson, because she’s matching his print royalties dollar-for-dollar. Then Martin Bartloff pledged his royalties from his YA novel TORN FROM NORMAL. I’m just jumping on the bandwagon. 🙂
Guys–all these years we’ve been sending our kids to sleep with “Don’t let the bedbugs bite”–who knew we’d ever have to mean it?
BTW, do any of you ever visit Tara Cottrell Wright’s BITE THE BEDBUGS? Highly recommended!
December 3, 2010 at 7:33pmYou’re so nice to donate your profits! 🙂
Oh, gosh, what are my characters cooking for Christmast? I love that question. I know my novel spans Thanksgiving and Christmas but I didn’t write holiday scenes yet. Good prompt!
Nancy Williams
December 3, 2010 at 2:34pmLOL Marian. I agree about the bedbugs. How kind and thoughtful you are to donate your profit to your ill friend. You really do need more friends to follow you because of your generous nature. I’ll spread the word.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author