I signed up to participate in the April A-to-Z Challenge. Like, ooooooo, scarreee, post every dayyyyyy. Which I already do, BUT–Wow, that’s a big butt. Who you talking to?–You talking to ME? …Er, um, I mean HOWEVER, part of the challenge is that participants blog each day on topics beginning with subsequent letters of the alphabet. Immediately subsequent. Beginning with A. You know: A on the 1st, then B on the 2nd…. And so on…. A could be asinine and B could be boring and C could be criminitly and D could be duh and so on.
If you would like to sign up, click on the badge that says, “Click to join.” If you want to know who else is in on the challenge so far, you can find that by clicking the badge or by clicking on the April A-to-Z Challenge tab here on my blog. You will perhaps be happy to hear that part of the challenge is to keep posts extremely short.
Meanwhile, I’m posting at Fatal Foodies today. I’m still going on about that rabbit.
WRITING PROMPT: What signals Spring to you? To your main character? Write a paragraph in which that trigger happens.
arlee bird
March 23, 2011 at 7:36pmWhat a hoot! We need some good humor in the A to Z. So glad to have you in the Challenge with us. And, yes, short is the idea–I hope longwinded me can keep that up.
Tossing It Out
Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge
Marian Allen
March 23, 2011 at 7:57pmI am SO looking forward to this! But I already follow so many blogs! So maaannnyyyyyy!