Not About Eels

Yes, of course I’m taking advantage of today’s A-to-Z Challenge’s letter to talk about my so-far-latest book, EEL’S REVERENCE. Wanna make something of it? –Er, I mean, I do hope you don’t mind too very much.

As my tagline says: The Eel is a place. The reverence is … complicated. EEL’S REVERENCE is a fantasy, I suppose. There’s no magic in it, except the magic of the influence of strong personalities on other people. The central conflict is between the worldviews of two strong women, both priests of Micah. Micah was a man who practiced humility, poverty, acceptance of all people, the concept of The All, and non-violence. Aunt Libby, in her 80s, also practices these. Aunt Isabella, middle-aged, is a “reaver priest”, who gives lip service to Micah but practices the opposites. One of Isabella’s cronies, Uncle Phineas, has his own Facebook page, because it amuses me.

For more information on the book, a better look at the cover, and links to a free story in the same world and a free first chapter, click here.

WRITING PROMPT: Does your main character’s worldview include religion? Why or why not?



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Not About Eels

  1. Trisha

    April 7, 2011 at 1:51am

    I definitely try to avoid talking religion…unless it IS a fantasy in which believing in gods etc. is something I can be okay with 😀

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      Marian Allen

      April 7, 2011 at 8:08am

      Trisha, maybe that’s something I can address in another post: the difference between the author’s religious worldview and the characters’. I’m fascinated by the conflict between principles and practicality and how that tension is resolved between and within people. Religious worldview is one source of that conflict, and a powerful one. It doesn’t work, though, if the author intrudes and makes one side or the other all happysauce and the other side all killerbritches.

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  2. Tamara McRill

    April 7, 2011 at 1:44am

    I don’t overtly talk about religion in mine. Although, oddly enough, the closest known thing my characters could be likened to are angels.

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  3. The Yard Bard

    April 6, 2011 at 2:27pm

    The most religous statement I’ve put into my writing lately is, “Dear God, not another hailstorm!” 😉

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  4. Sarah G

    April 6, 2011 at 9:05am

    Strange you should bring this up. Cynthia’s grandmother is a Unitarian, and I was thinking of doing something with that in my sequel. She really didn’t have time in the first book to scope out a new congregation in California.

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      Marian Allen

      April 6, 2011 at 9:27am

      Sounds like a source for characters, conflict and plotlines. 🙂 I’m currently Disciples of Christ. Know who else began by being associated with D of C? Jim Jones. Yeah, THAT Jim Jones. Plotline? Yeah, aifinkso.

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