Uncle Phineas Has His Say

Over at Killer Characters, Uncle Phineas of EEL’S REVERENCE finally got a chance to speak for himself. He’s been quite put out that HE has a FaceBook page, but Aunt Libby gets all the attention. Well, Phineas, SHE NARRATED THE BOOK! If you wanted more attention, you should have been more forthcoming.

Phineas: I did not get to my present position, dear lady, by being forthcoming.

ME: Fine.

Anyway, he’s open for more interviews, if anybody can stand it.

Phineas: I beg your pardon?

ME: Nothing.

In other news, Joseph Robert Lewis sent the following happy announcement:

I’m happy to announce the release of The Broken Sword, the eagerly awaited sequel to The Burning Sky!

Available at: Amazon.comAmazon.co.ukAmazon.deBarnes & NobleSmashwords

And I’m like–YAY! I love his work, you know. 🙂

WRITING PROMPT: If you’re having trouble with a scene, interview the characters who are in it. You don’t have to ask specifically about THAT SCENE. Maybe something will shake loose that will give the scene the context or emotional input that makes it work. Or maybe it will suggest a better scene.


I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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