The fabulous Sandy Axelrod gave me a Stylish Blogger Award. Here are the rules:
To accept the award, you have to do the following:
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 10-15 blogs who you think deserve this award.
4. Contact these bloggers and let them know about the award.
I’ve linked to her seven shares, but I encourage you to browse around her site. ALL her posts are wonderful!
I decided that, since I had already shared seven things about myself, I would give a character a chance, and here that is.
Aunt Libby is an 82-year-old priest of Micah. When I wrote EEL’S REVERENCE, I hadn’t learned about interviewing characters. I had a strong feeling for who the characters are, but (except for Loach) not much feeling for who they had been. Interviews would have been very helpful. Interviews, or challenging them to tell seven things about themselves, as The Stylish Blogger Award challenges its recipients to do.
Aunt Libby, take it away!
Thank you, dear. Let me see….
- I tell people I’ve been a priest of Micah for 68 years of my 82, and only a 10-year-old girl ever did the math and questioned me on it. The truth is, I entered the seminary at 14. Having decided to be a priest at so young an age I don’t remember ever having wanted to do anything else, I had puzzled my parents and irritated my friends by acting like a priest all my life. I never wanted to wear any color but green, and never asked for anything but sand-tables and candles. I was nearly killed trying to lure a wolf pup away from its mother. So I count my priesthood as starting from the time I entered seminary.
- Part of a priest’s training is being goaded to anger. We’re supposed to control and suppress it, though we can, if pressed, display irritation. I slapped my mentor once, when she pushed me beyond my bearing. She only smiled and left the room. For an entire year, no one said anything to me unless they spoke in as provoking a way as possible. It didn’t sweeten my temper, but it did teach me to tolerate insult.
- My parents are still living. They live with my youngest sister in Arledan. My family disowned me when I graduated seminary and became a true priest rather than a reiver.
- My family is wealthy and influential, and have their own temple. Their priest pays them. If another comes along who offers a larger share of the tithes, they change priests.
- I don’t like cooked leafy greens unless they have vinegar on them.
- I’ve always wished I could juggle. Not time or tasks–actually juggle.
- I believe that the story of Micah is invented or, at best, embellished, but I believe it depicts the best of human possibility and should be followed for that reason, not because it’s “true”.
This post is getting super long, so I’ll save the pass-along for tomorrow.
I also got a Blogging Buddies award from Pk Hrezo — Thank you, Pk! Please visit her wonderful blog. She’s luverly.
WRITING PROMPT: Well, obviously. Have a character–one you’ve already created or one you pick out of the air–share seven random things about himself/herself.
May 3, 2011 at 6:51pmHi. I like this approach. Characters really should be able to talk to us like this. Just don’t tell anyone.