I’ve been all about Facebook this week, although I haven’t made much progress. Nothing is ever as easy as the experts make it look. That’s why they’re the experts and I’m not.
I do have a Facebook Author Page (I refuse to call it a fan page, since most of my Likes have come from friends and fellow writers). I’m trying to make it fancy, but it isn’t very fancy just yet.
A couple of experts are trying to help me fancy it up. Social Media Examiner is not just about Facebook, but about Twitter and Google Plus (to which I have not yet been invited–hint, hint) and the web in general.
Jo Barnes of the Social Networking Academy is also in everybody’s corner. I like Jo’s enthusiasm and kindness.
Aditya of Hellbound Bloggers claims I can set up a Welcome page for Facebook in two minutes. He lied. Or perhaps I should say, “He doesn’t know me very well, if he thinks I can do anything in two minutes.” It takes me longer than two minutes to sneeze, okay?
On another note, I’ve also been enjoying Pat Bean’s travel blog. She’s hunkered down in one spot this summer, so she’s revisiting a trip she took to Africa, complete with the most gorgeous pictures you ever saw! A great way to start the day.
And TOTALLY watch this video of the world’s first animated tattoo!
Have a great weekend! See you tomorrow.
WRITING PROMPT: Have a character try to do something supposedly simple that turns out to be very complicated.