Contest continues. For details, read the August 12, 2011 post by clicking here.
This first song is by the Gorillaz, an animated band. By “animated”, I do not mean they’re lively. I mean they’re, to quote Hee Haw, “jes’ drawed on”.
I maintain this song is about going to the movies. The name of it is Clint Eastwood and just about the only bit of the lyrics I understand is “I got sunshine in a bag.” Now, what could that be but hot buttered movie popcorn? But Daughter #4 says, “Yeah, Mom. They’re talking about popcorn. Uh-huh.” But she says it like, you know, ironically.
The second song is about LOST. You know, the TV show that held me in thrall until it totally crapped out in the final episode. It’s Comfort Eagle by Cake. #4 Daughter says, “Mom, the 60s really hit you hard, didn’t they?” I’m not sure if she means the 1960s or my 60s. Go here and watch the video and YOU tell ME: Is this about LOST or isn’t it?
Today is World on the Square. If you’re in the Corydon area, come on over. It’s 4-8pm. We’re hoping it doesn’t rain. If it does, it’ll be World At The High School.
WRITING PROMPT: An adult misunderstands what a song is about. (My husband thought the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were the Teenage Mute and Injured Turtles, and was appalled.)
Alicia Butcher Ehrhardt
December 18, 2021 at 2:12pmAnd you are a very sweet friend.
Alicia Butcher Ehrhardt
December 17, 2021 at 3:07pmSnort. The concept. I have NO idea what most song lyrics are, unless I’ve decided to sing them, and do my minimalist guitar strumming along, which requires that I have the lyrics IN WRITING, in front of me. Up until I sometimes see them on Youtube, I also have no idea what the groups look like for most of them, including the color of their skin (either the song resonated – and I remember – or it didn’t). No clue.
Except for the obvious ones (Bob Dylan, Peter, Paul and Mary, Gordon Lightfoot, The Beatles).
My kids tease me because I can never remember EXACTLY how a favorite quote is worded. How I managed to act in plays a long time ago I’ll never know.
Marian Allen
December 18, 2021 at 9:35amI also do a lot of indirect quoting. I think it’s because we’re authors: We’re always rewriting.
Alicia Butcher Ehrhardt
December 18, 2021 at 12:00pmJust went and looked up the lovely lyrics to The Last Word, Mary Chapin Carpenter, and found IT WAS 1974. I had most of them right. Love that song, have sung it with her maybe 20,000, and still can’t remember most of the details. I’ll never be a rock star this way.
Marian Allen
December 18, 2021 at 1:54pmYou ARE a rock star!
August 15, 2011 at 7:10pmHi. My power just came back on. I hear what happened on the square. I am hoping you have exciting tales. Later.
Marian Allen
August 15, 2011 at 9:33pmOh, noes! I was hoping you didn’t lose power over there at the never-lose-power place! 🙁 Was your Mom okay through it all?
August 16, 2011 at 11:21amWe did fine in the Mom category. Lost some food (I’d just finished shopping, of course.) Plus side: The weather was gorgeous! Cool all day, even. Really a treat. The neighbors gathered outside and talked. Kids played (and some parents). Then they sighted repair vehicles and raised cheers. Then they dashed for the inside asap. So much for the neighborhood thing.