September 2011 Update – New Hot Flash – Contest Reminder

It’s the first of the month, so I have a new Hot Flash.

The contest is still running to promote FORCE OF HABIT. If you want to see an example of “your name in a story”, click on the “By the Book” link to see last year’s prize.

What are the prizes?

  • a copy of EEL’S REVERENCE (eBook)
  • a copy of FORCE OF HABIT (eBook)
  • a copy of LONNIE, ME AND THE HOUND OF HELL (eBook)
  • a copy of THE KING OF CHEROKEE CREEK (eBook)
  • a copy of MA’S MONTHLY HOT FLASHES: 2002-2007 (eBook)
  • a MomGoth’s Sweet Little Baby Angels pin
  • the name of your choice in the story I write to promote my next eBook release, SIDESHOW IN THE CENTER RING. Holly Jahangiri, who won this in the last contest, called her appearance in “By the Book“, “Best. Prize. Ever.”

How do you win?

  • leave a comment on this or any other blog on which I post, saying you’re entering the contest. One entry for each post on which you comment.
  • If you’ve already bought and read one or more of my books, write a review (or reviews) and leave a comment on this blog linking to the review(s). One entry for each review.
  • Mention the contest on your blog and your social media networks (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, whatever) and leave a comment on this blog saying so. One entry for every place you spread the word.

Entries will be numbered and winners chosen by Random Number Selector. First entry drawn gets first choice of prizes and so on.

How long does it run?

Until midnight EST October 31.

Quite a few entries already, so get your name into the pot!

WRITING PROMPT: What would induce your main character to enter a contest? What kind of contest?



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “September 2011 Update – New Hot Flash – Contest Reminder

  1. Sherry Chandler

    September 6, 2011 at 3:12pm

    Yes! I am entering the contest. But I already own Eel’s Reverence. Excellent story!

    Permalink  ⋅ Reply
    • Author

      Marian Allen

      September 6, 2011 at 3:57pm

      Thank you! Thank you! Reviews on Amazon and Goodreads are much appreciated. 🙂

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