That got your attention, didn’t it? I think that was the intention of Judith Crist’s publishers when they named this 1968 collection of her movie reviews THE PRIVATE EYE, THE COWBOY AND THE VERY NAKED GIRL. Since I was ~mumblety mumblety~ in 1968, I’m enjoying her takes on the State Of The Cinema at the time, and her impressions of then-new work, like the review of my beloved Ship of Fools which Miss Crist calls “Grand Hotel at Sea”. Grand Hotel is her benchmark, and she thinks Ship of Fools comes close. Miss Crist, u maek MomGoth smiel. π
Today marked the inaugural Interview feature (this one is with Sarah E. Glenn and Gwen Mayo) of That Book Place‘s web site. That Book Place is a terrific indie book store in Madison, Indiana. While Borders has been sinking like the Titanic, That Book Place and other indies have been developing and implementing successful business strategies. I’m proud and pleased to be a part of That Book Place’s site.
If you’re into dragons (and who isn’t?), I recommend Dragon Jewelry Art. I’m sorry that, as of this writing (10-07-2011), artist Kayla Bell doesn’t have pictures up of her dragon sketches. They’re striking and charming. If she made a deck of playing cards, I would totally buy it. For money.
Baxter the House Lamb has his own photo blog! If you don’t know Baxter, he’s one of triplets born to a ewe in the care of Johanna Harness, shepherdess and writer extraordinaire. The other two lambs didn’t make it, but Johanna took Baxter into the house for his final hours, where he surprised her by thriving. He has since moved back to the flock, but he’s a House Lamb at heart.
I met Sean McCreary at WordCamp Louisville this month. He has a brand new baby web site that’s coolio! The pages are not, as we Old Blog Hands say, fully populated, but there’s lots of good stuff there, like how to protect your data and a review of the Genesis framework and child theme package as a way to build a customized WordPress web site. I’m like, “Huh?” But Sean knows what he’s talking about. If I were afraid of poking around in the guts of WordPress but really really needed a unique site, I would hire Sean. (FTC full disclosure — I am not being paid for anything I recommend (except I am a CommentLuv Premium affiliate). Sean is a guy I met at WordCamp and I like his site.)
If you’re in the area of Indiana/Kentucky around the Louisville, Kentucky area and you’re looking for stained glass supplies, I think White Cloud Window is just about the last shop standing. We met Roni Cravens, the owner and artist, when Mom was still doing stained glass. Even if you don’t work with stained glass, hop over and see these pictures of some of Roni’s work. Mom and I stopped in the shop yesterday when we did the town, and had a fine time browsing and chatting, and Mom ended up buying something. π
Have a great weekend! I’ll be back tomorrow with something or other, and then a writing sample on Sample Sunday.
WRITING PROMPT: Write a review of your favorite movie. By what standards are you measuring it? Why do you like it? Where does it fall short?
October 8, 2011 at 12:06amBaxter is such a cute lamb. The few I have come across are all adorable and a bit shy at least from afar. I wouldn’t mind meeting one close up.
Happy Friday!
Red sent me.
Marian Allen
October 8, 2011 at 8:43amGlad to meet you, Na! π