…I am at camp. WordCamp Louisville, to be precise. At least, I am if I can get across the river. See, I love using WordPress for this here blog, but it kind of intimidates me. So I’m going to boot camp (a little computer humor, there) to take the scary out of it.
I might cut out after the last session rather than staying for the closing remarks. I was totally going to stay, because I saw:
At 4PM back to main room for closing remarks, dinner
and I am all about the food. Then I looked more closely, and saw:
At 4PM back to main room for closing remarks, dinner
suggestions, and after party info.
So, you know? My first dinner suggestion is to go home and eat free.
THEREFORE, I am posting my monthly Hot Flash tomorrow rather than today, because I’m not here today, I’m at camp.
WRITING PROMPT: Your main character went to camp as a child. What kind of camp? Did he or she love it or hate it?