Road Trippin’ to Muncie

I leave tomorrow for Magna cum Murder, a wonderful mystery writers-and-readers convention in Muncie, Indiana. This year, for the first time, I’m a registered author (along with several past guests of this blog) and a panelist. This is a dream come true for me, as a long-time attendee of Magna. šŸ™‚

Don’t panic, if you’re thinking of attending and the price is too high–all meals are included, and they’re MOST excellent meals, too. Well, unless you can’t tolerate gluten; in that case, you’d better get your own breakfast. If I could only go to one convention a year, it would be this one.

Here’s a funny thing: The two novels I have out are a fantasy/sf (EEL’S REVERENCE – Click here to read more about EEL’S REVERENCE) and a crime/sf/farce (FORCE OF HABIT – Click here to read more about FORCE OF HABIT), but I ran into an immovable force field in trying to interest people at speculative fiction conventions when they found out the books are only available for Kindle, Nook, Sony and other eReaders.

“I like to hold a BOOK,” they said. I’m like, “What do you think you do with an eReader? Strap it to your forehead and absorb the words directly?”

But the folks at Magna all had eReaders last year. The booksellers were all like, “Yeah! Burn ’em to a disk and I’ll be glad to see if I can sell ’em!” The Guest of Honor this year, Parnell Hall, wants to be the King of Kindle.

So I’m going to set up tomorrow’s post to automatically go up tomorrow while I’m on the road, and I’ll set up a Sample Sunday to go up automatically. I hope to post something about the convention on Saturday, but you know how those things go: maybe no internet access, maybe too hung over busy.

See you on the flip side!

WRITING PROMPT: A character confronts an unfamiliar technology.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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