Got a shock on Facebook yesterday, when I saw this:
As you may have heard, there is change in the air at Heine Brothers’ Coffee. Gary Heine recently sold his half of the business to me, and now we are merging with VINT Coffee. For now, there will not be any changes to either HBC or VINT stores. We remain 100% locally owned and operated, and our commitment to the Louisville community and the many non-profits we support will be stronger than ever. Our focus will continue to be on treating people and the planet with respect and dignity, and on giving back where ever we can. We truly appreciate the support we get from Louisville – we’re grateful to be in the coffee house business in such a wonderful town.
Mike Mays, Co-founder, Heine Brothers’ Coffee
VINT is the coffee house formerly known as Java Brewing Co., where my friend Jane and I go for coffee after we meet for lunch. “Our” barista (shouldn’t it be baristo, if it’s a guy?), Cody, is still there being all awesome, so maybe it’ll be all right for Heine Brothers to vanish under the VINT umbrella.
It hasn’t been settled, to my knowledge, if Heine Brothers will retain its name and logo, but that’s the smallest thing. It isn’t Heine Brothers anymore, because there are no Heine brothers involved in it.
So, on the whole, I’m sad. Here’s hoping VINT is as good for the people of Louisville and the fair trade farmers as Heine Brothers has been.
WRITING PROMPT: A landmark business, dear to your main character, changes hands. How would the new management win your character over?
Pamela L.
November 18, 2011 at 11:26pmSorry about the confusion. I should be more specific. I set some scenes there. At least one in the Death Sword book. 🙂 But I’ve also used HB in my current UF wip.
Now you’ve got me thinking about writing a short story and setting it in HB. Maybe the one on Longest… (Yes, the plot bunnies are hopping.) LOL
Marian Allen
November 19, 2011 at 9:52amThe Southern Indiana Writers did an anthology of mysteries featuring coffee shops, back when we were meeting in one in New Albany. We called it GROUNDS FOR SUSPICION. lol
November 16, 2011 at 7:18pmInteresting development: Pie and Dessert kitchen newly opened in the old Longshot Tavern building. They have cake and pie and beer and wine and COFFEE, too. What say?
Marian Allen
November 16, 2011 at 8:58pmSounds like something two culinary investigators ought to check out! 🙂
Amanda Borenstadt
November 16, 2011 at 9:52amChanges will always eventually happen. I hope in this case, they will end up being a good thing. Hang in there.
And I agree about the barista/baristo thing. 🙂
Marian Allen
November 16, 2011 at 1:04pmAmanda, change is exciting, but I hate to see hangouts change. It’s like having the seams of your favorite jeans disintegrate. So far, the Vint-that-used-to-be-Java is as good as ever (though they wouldn’t let Jane and me [grammatically correct] bring in and consume the piece of birthday cake we brought with us). Fingers crossed!
Pamela L
November 16, 2011 at 8:00amI hope all goes well with Vint/Heine Bros. I set my stories at Heine Bros. And it’s a favorite place for my husband and I to go.
Marian Allen
November 16, 2011 at 1:01pmPamela, you set your stories at Heine Bros.? That is so AWESOME! Drop a link to where these stories may be purchased, if you please. 🙂