I had a happy surprise this morning: Author Jolea Harrison is spotlighting me today, under the post title, Marian Allen Has Stories Everywhere! True that. I submitted one this month to the Blog Book Tour Cafe’s anthology-in-the-works which I think has been accepted. This is the one about Bud. Maybe he’ll pipe down and stop trying to horn in on other people’s stories for a while.
There’s another Holly (as in “By the Book”) story in the works, this one for my Race to the Hugo Award.
Meanwhile, my husband wants to know if I’ll be drinking that whole pot of coffee today. I’m like, “At least that one.” Whenever I get an owie — and I get them often, being one of the clumsiest people still alive — I’m always surprised to see blood come out. I expect it to be either ink or coffee.
WRITING PROMPT: A character who hates even the smell of coffee finds himself or herself in inescapable company with a group of coffee fiends.
February 23, 2012 at 11:40pmI agree with Sarah. Too much coffee is bad, though I see how important it is in your routine. Maybe try to lessen your daily-coffee in-take. Just do one step at a time, little by little.
Marian Allen
February 24, 2012 at 6:09pmOh, no no, coffee is GOOD for me! Yes yes yes yesyesyesyesYES!
Sarah Reece
February 23, 2012 at 4:02amThat’s wonderful Marian, you and your stories are everywhere, way to go.
But you must seriously consider slowing down on coffee, and try some alternatives, may be herbal tea or something.
Marian Allen
February 23, 2012 at 9:36amIf I slowed down on coffee, I never would get anything done! lol! You have no idea how lazy I am. heh!
February 19, 2012 at 7:03pmMom decided once to cut back on her coffee consumption, since 2 pots a day seemed excessive. She started out cold turkey. And while on a trip to Florida with my sister and her hubby. About 2:00 am the first night, Ellis had to get up , go to the 7-11, and obtain large containers of coffee, because Mom could NOT sleep without it!
Marian Allen
February 19, 2012 at 9:24pmHa! I love hearing those Mom stories, gurl. 🙂