Have you met my pal, Joe Barkson? He’s the chef formerly known as … The Chef. He’s the Emperor of Recitopia, and the publisher of World Wide Recipes, the best darned recipezine in the whole darned universe. If you’ve read my short story collection LONNIE, ME AND THE HOUND OF HELL or the Southern Indiana Writers Group’s anthology NOVEL INGREDIENTS, you’ve read my short story “Dog Star”, which is a tribute to The Chef and his Power For Niceness.
Many long years ago, I wrote the Culinary Chronicles column for WWR, a job which is now handled much better by the international foodie Karlis Streips. Every so often, I plagiarize my own columns for Fatal Foodies or this blog’s food Wednesday. I ain’t proud.
World Wide Recipes is also on Facebook, so if you’re a FaceCracker, go Like the WorldWideRecipes page and get a free recipe every day. Or subscribe to the email free edition of the recipezine and get bunches of recipes every day. Or subscribe to the paid Plus edition and get even MOAR stuhf!!1! You’ll be glad you did.
A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: A character leaves a job and becomes a fan of his or her replacement. I, of course, am moderate and appropriate, as I always am in every circumstance — to hell with anything unrefined — but feel free to take yours as far as you like.