Not At MY Corner Cafe

What food and drink you can get at your friendly neighborhood corner café depends, of course, on where you live. Here in small-down Midwestern America, what you get is pretty generic.

HOWEVER, we have a discount grocery — sort of a scratch’n’dent shop for food instead of furniture — and I scored big today, getting some stuff that’s available other places but is not often seen around these here parts.

I got some Nestlé Aguas Frescas Horchata. Horchata: a milk-and-rice drink flavored with cinnamon that is heavenly! I mean it is divine! The angels drink horchata! Alas, the web site says Aguas Frescas have been discontinued, so I’ll just have to enjoy what I have.

I also got some Irish Moss Drink, with ginseng. Irish Moss Drink is very popular in Jamaica, and I had some once at a Jamaican restaurant in Louisville. It’s really made of Irish moss and algae and seaweed and nasty stuff like that, but I remember it as being delicious. We shall see.

Now all I need is a local source for Dr. Brown’s sodas, specifically Dr. Brown’s Cel-Ray Tonic. I used to get this at a deli in downtown Louisville, many long years ago, when the world and I were young. Cel-Ray Tonic is a soft drink made with — yes — celery. Very refreshing. If celery soda is a little too exotic for you — although, you must admit, it sounds downright homey after seaweed and algae and moss (say it with me: OH, MY!) — Dr. Brown also makes root beer and cream soda and so on.

One thing we CAN get here that one can’t get just anywhere is a cherry phosphate, and I wouldn’t trade that for one of each of those others. It’s what I used to drink at the corner cafe where I grew up. 🙂

The blog book tour for THE CORNER CAFE continues with an interview of Project Mom/Drill Sergeant Dani Greer at the blog of Red Tash.

A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: Find a corner café. What special beverages do they serve? What special beverages can you imagine for them?



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Not At MY Corner Cafe

  1. Red Tash

    June 6, 2012 at 9:13am

    I would LOVE to try a celery soda. And Horchata is definitely from the gods. A nice churro, some horchata…mmmmm…

    Let us know how seaweedy the Irish Moss drink is. I’m not big on seaweed flavor, unfortch.

    See ya over at my place!

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      June 6, 2012 at 11:07am

      Oh, Red, Cel-Ray Tonic is BEE-YOU-TEE-FUL!

      Great interview at your place today. 🙂

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