Yes, really! We did this at Context, and Next-Door Grandson and I did it here in my kitchen, so it really really works.
We used:
- 2 small, clear, capped containers
- 2 tablespoon warm water
- 1 teaspoon raw wheat germ
- 1 squirt liquid hand soap
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 teaspoon meat tenderizer
- 1 tablespoon rubbing alcohol
- Put water into one of the clear containers.
- Add the wheat germ. Stir it to make sure all the wheat germ is wet.
- Add 1 squirt of liquid hand soap. This destroys cell membranes and releases DNA.
- Either cap the container and invert gently about 45 times OR don’t cap and stir gently to mix.
- Add baking soda. This releases the DNA from proteins.
- Add meat tenderizer. This removes the protein and destroys enzymes that would ruin the DNA.
- Either cap the container and invert gently 30 times OR don’t cap and stir gently.
- Let sit for 3 minutes so wheat germ solids settle to the bottom.
- Pour off the liquid into the second container, leaving the solids behind.
- Slowly add about 1 tablespoon of rubbing alcohol to the liquid.
- Wait. Cloudy, stringy stuff will rise to the top. DNA!!
Is that cool, or what?
Go thou and do likewise.
A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: Think of three things to do with a bag of wheat germ less one teaspoonful. You may include extracting more DNA as one.
Jack Tyler
October 24, 2012 at 9:18amCool! Does this really work?
Marian Allen
October 24, 2012 at 10:10amWell o’ course it does! All that white junk on the surface of the yellow water is DNA! 🙂 It is TOTALLY cool!