Are you still harping on Magna cum Murder? Yes, I am; now shut up! Magna is the last convention I’m going to this year, so I have to milk it for all it’s worth, all right?
First, allow me to introduce you to Jill Palumbo. This woman is a freakin’ genius! Her jewelry is, truly, Art. And she’s the sweetest, dearest, most imaginative person I’ve ever met. If you’re involved with any kind of festival or convention, see if she can come have a booth. She is AMAZING!
We met writing partners L. Barnett Evans and C. V. Rhodes, authors of the Grandmothers, Incorporated series. I bought both books in the series (so far) and can’t wait to read them!
We met Sheila Webster Boneham, author of the pet mystery DROP DEAD ON RECALL, which is about dogs, mostly. She plans a series of pet mysteries, using her background in animal photography as a springboard. They won’t all be about dogs and cats, which will be different and intriguing.
If you like historical fiction, head over to the Historical Fiction Authors Cooperative and check ’em out. They’re categorized by time period, so you don’t have to wade through Ancient when you’re looking for Medieval.
Ellen Kuhfeld provided a beautiful excerpt booklet of her historical mystery SECRET MURDER: Who Shall Judge, set the days of the Vikings. It looks AWESOMESAUCE! Check it out at FTL Publications.
John Desjarlais has a short story collection out, which is good news all around. It’s BLOOD OF THE MARTYRS AND OTHER STORIES, available only on Kindle. I just bought it. 🙂
Finally, if you’re a writer, pop over to the Nelson Literary Agency’s Resources page for links to important and useful sites for authors ready to market their work. While you’re over there, sign up for their newsletter.
A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: Read Ellen Kuhfeld’s excerpt. How does she establish a feeling of place and time without dumping information all over you?
November 9, 2012 at 10:58amHi. Thanks for the recommends. I’m gong to indulge in all of them. Not now. Later.
Marian Allen
November 9, 2012 at 11:02amYes, later! You get to work and write, young lady! 😉