Here is my new cat. Our youngest grandson made him for me for Christmas. So far, he and Katya are ignoring each other, and that’s the way I like it. He’s smiling, flat, and made of brown Play-Doh, so his name is Happy Brownlow.
He’s my very most favoritest present! He’s going to live in my office, I think.
ALSO: my soon-to-be publisher, Hydra Publications, is having a 20-book giveaway, none of them mine, alas, but mine will be available soon. Meanwhile, enter the giveaway and get some super-duper reads!
A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: A character gives a hand-made gift. Is it received well? Poorly? How does it make the giver feel?
Dianne Lynn Gardner
December 29, 2012 at 9:06amI love handmade gifts the most, especially when they are from children. They warm my heart because a handmade is so much an expression of love!
Marian Allen
December 29, 2012 at 9:49amI agree! I still have things the kids gave me when they actually were kids 🙂 For a while they would say, “Do you STILL have that ratty thing?” Now that they have their own kids and their own kids’ handmade gifts, they understand. 🙂