We had lunch at Point Blank Brewing Company. Yeah, yeah, food good but OMG THE BEER!
Point Blank isn’t just a restaurant that calls itself a brewpub ’cause it sounds cute. Here are the tanks. The TANKS, my friends, the TANKS. OF. BEER! They really really grind the grain and do all the grainy, beery things necessary and cook it and all, and somehow, magically, BEER issues forth.
They gave us a menu with a few items on one side — the brews on draft — and many, many, MANY items on the other side — the brews in bottles. I would have loved to have something from the small menu, but those only came in pints, and I wasn’t sure I could do a pint. Or should.
So I got this. Ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to introduce my new bottled boyfriend, Bell’s Double-Cream Stout. This was so good, so rich, so smooth, so not-bitter, so delicious, I was very sorry, indeed, it didn’t come in pints, quarts, gallons! Looking at how dark it is, you would think it would be so bitter it would make your — you know, those glands just below the corner of your jaw that ache when you eat sour pickles? — parotid glands, thank you — you would think it would make your parotid glands pack their bags and leave home, but you would be wrong. This beer is sheer heaven.
Only because this beer was so good, I plan to try a different one the next time I go to Point Blank. I want to find some more wonderful surprises.
Oh, and we had some highly excellent French onion soup, too.
I’m being interviewed today on Michael Ignacio’s blog. Come visit. 🙂
A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: A character tries something new and is pleasantly surprised, to the point of embarrassing herself. I mean himself OR herself. Not talking about me and this post.