Dragonthology Is In Print!

Do you like dragons? I like dragons. Well, I like stories about dragons. Dragons, themselves, I would be pretty particular about. You wouldn’t want a mean one hanging around breathing fire all over everything, right? But I love reading stories about dragons, and I love writing stories about dragons.

So here I come with a dragon story! DRAGONTHOLOGY is an anthology of dragon stories from Untold Press. It’s been out in electronic form for a few months, but now it’s in print, as well.

Seven authors were invited to write dragon stories. I was asked to make mine humorous, but modesty forbids my claiming success. If you read my story in the final issue of Marion Zimmer Bradley’s FANTASY Magazine, “The Dragon of North 24th Street,” you’ll have some idea of what to expect. That’s because my story in Dragonthology is “The Dragon of Sullivan Hall,” in which the granddaughter of the heroine of North 24th Street goes to college, staying in Sullivan Hall dormitory, which is infested by a dragon. Yes, it only takes one dragon to constitute an infestation.

Oh, you want some buy links? I gotcher buy links right here:

Dragonthology Edited by Untold Press
Published Jan 1 2013
Price: 3.99 Available at [[Dragonthology is OUT of print]]
Now in Print for 12.99 at [Amazon][Createspace][Barnes & Noble][The Book Depository]

From the Department of I Get Around:
I’m the featured Indie writer today at Damyati Biswass’ The Daily (w)Rite.
I’m posting today at The Write Type on my new term for most writers’ true method of writing.

A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: Write a story with a dragon in it.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Dragonthology Is In Print!

  1. Jessica Nunemaker

    March 22, 2013 at 11:41am

    Yay! Congrats Marian!

    (this is getting added to the previously Featured Blogger round-up tomorrow too) 🙂

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