From @Madratlady Comes the Best. Email. Ever!

My new internet friend, Andrea Gilbey, likes my writing, which makes me very happy. 🙂 She recently read LONNIE, ME AND THE HOUND OF HELL and sent me this:

Lonnie-120wI. Love. It.

So much I could drool over, but a few prize snippets; my favourite has to be Dog Star, I love the “dog speak” and their interactions.

Balance of Power, the description of Shisha’s eyes is so perfectly aquatic.

High Stakes – I love the Damon Runyon-esque speech, and placing a vampire in a retro boutique; genius, who would notice? Ever been to Kensington Market in London? You’d be hard pressed to say whether any of the stall holders there had been alive in the past 60 years!

And Sledgehammer is, to me, a written impression of the picture in my mind when I hear this.

I’ve always imagined it as a scene in dark woodland, with a sledge appearing, a battle of some kind, (ok, maybe zombies weren’t exactly what Sibelius had in mind), a joyful victory, and a tired retreat.

Normally with a book of short stories by the same author I need a breather between them, so as not to confuse the characters and plots, but your stories are all so different, the voices, the characters and the plots and ideas.

You know how with some writers you know what “the new Fred Bloggs novel” is going to be about before you read it? Not with you. There is no such thing as “a Marian Allen type story” unless that means intriguing, thought provoking, funny, moving….

Like, WOW! You get an email like that, you can’t wear pullovers for a week or until the swelling in your head goes down. 🙂

So THANKS, Andrea, for such kind words. You know how writers sometimes say stuff about how pleasing their readers is what makes writing worthwhile? Well, it’s true.

A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: What makes your character’s work or volunteering worthwhile?



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “From @Madratlady Comes the Best. Email. Ever!

  1. Jane

    April 7, 2013 at 10:19am

    Your writing is always praiseworthy, but what a swell message to tell you that again! Yay 😉

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    • Author
      • Jane

        April 7, 2013 at 10:07pm

        Dear friend,
        I am sure you are the first!
        Deeply appreciate. 😉

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        • Author

          Marian Allen

          April 7, 2013 at 10:09pm

          Ooo! Go to your KDP dashboard and click on Reports. Be sure to check ALL the Amazons all over the world! 🙂

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  2. Marion Driessen

    April 7, 2013 at 9:51am

    A big compliment and hug for you and Andrea. That was a neat thing to do, and she has made you very happy 😀 And you her, with your great writing.
    A sweet smile for both of you,

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