And I expect to have a double-dog blast! In case you don’t know what Fandom Fest is, it’s a bunch of conventions all rolled into one, including body art (no tattoos for MomGoth, but I can sure look!), celebrities, and a literary track. I’m on a few panels:
2:00Meet the Panelists – Rm 106
4:00 Dynamic Dialogue – Rm 107
What are some approaches to writing effective dialogue? This panel will contain a few surprises, as our panelists will demonstrate how dialogue that might look correct on the page can be very different on the ear. Be sure to catch this panel for some moments that are both instructive and entertaining!
Marian Allen, L. Andrew Cooper, Scott Sandridge (M), Missy Goodman, Ian Harac, Ren Garcia
5:30 Effective Social Media – Rm 106
So many social media outlets and so little time. What is an author to do? This panel will feature several individuals who are savvy and effective when it comes to social media, to offer their insights on how to approach some specific social media outlets, as well as what not to do. There is an art to being effective with social media, and this panel will shed some light on that area.
Alicia Justice (M), Tony Acree, Marian Allen, RJ Sullivan, Missy Goodman, Jennifer Malone Wright
7 Writers Guide to Drinking – Rm 108
What’s the easiest place to find authors at a Con? Just go to the bar! Yes, authors have been known to have a drink or two, and we thought we’d include a fun panel featuring authors talking about the topic of drinking! What they like, whether they drink when writing, and more! Should be a fun, light-hearted addition to the track!
Tony Acree, Marian Allen, Chris Brown, Christian Jensen (M), Scott Sandridge, Neil Sayatovich
2:30 Genre Fiction as an Effective Aid for Those With Disabilities – Rm 109
From special literary programs, to themes in stories, science fiction and other genre fiction has long been of help and comfort to those with special needs or disabilities. This panel will explore some of the ways in which genre fiction plays a wonderful role in helping many who are contending with disabilities.
T. Lee Harris, Lee Martindale (M), J. L. Mulvihill, Joy Ward, Marian Allen
4:00 Fan Fiction – Rm 109
A panel focused on writing fan fiction, including the reasons why it can be a useful endeavor for some writers, and why other writers advise strongly against it. An honest discussion of a very popular pursuit in the world of creative writing today.
Marian Allen, Alicia Justice, Kayelle McClive, S.H. Roddey (M)
Please forgive the crazy-go-nutz formatting. Life is just like that, sometimes. The Galt House CHARGES for Wi-Fi in the rooms, almost $6 for up to 2 devices; since there are three of us sharing a room, that’s nearly $12 per night. So I’ll be setting up the weekend posts early and checking for comments from the common areas, where the Wi-Fi is free. Ha!
Meanwhile, I’ve been interviewed about SAGE at Pat Bertram Introduces. Hop over and leave a comment or sumpin.
A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: A character leaves their room (singular they — ha!) to use the Wi-Fi in the common area and locks themself (themselves? how does that work, singular they, eh? how does that work?) out.