In my first post, I mentioned that Mom and I had “met” a couple of cat bloggers and that they had shamed inspired her into letting me take over this blog on Saturdays. Their names are Elvira, Mistress of Felinity, and Mr. Nikita, The Opinionated Pussycat. We love reading their posts about their Daddy Kiril, one another, themselves, and their neighborhood in Houston.
Mr. Nikita has been poorly for several years. His new vet says he needs an array of tests to find out what’s wrong, since nothing they’ve tried so far has worked. See how he’s all shaven? Poor handsome boy. Mom claims I have a crush on Mr. Nikita, and maybe I do. So what? I’m allowed!
Miss Elvira and I put our heads together, and she changed the text under the Donate button on The Opinionated Pussycat blog to let people know their donations were being solicited to pay for Mr. Nikita’s tests and to find a food that he’ll eat enough of to regain his lost weight.
So here, again, is the link to the post about Mr. Nikita’s poor health and needs. Mom and I have been following these cats and their human for some time, now, and we know they’re legitimate. If you could just donate one piece of green paper or a jingly money, it would help.
People think cats are loners, but we help each other out a lot!
A WRITING PROMPT FOR ANIMALS: How much would your humans embarrass themselves for you?
Miss Elvira
October 9, 2013 at 12:35amThank you everyone! For the kind words and for the donations.
Daddy Kiril was able to thus take Nikita in, today, for a couple of injections to stimulate hunger.
He and Nikita had a chat with the vet; A sort of head vs heart discussion about the reality of his health situation both from a medical treatment and financial stand point going forward.
Daddy has been getting input from friends who have gone through similar journey’s with their own cats.
Marian Allen
October 9, 2013 at 7:52amWe know that was a difficult discussion. And sometimes, medical intervention for our dear ones becomes more about us than about them. We know you, Nikita, Daddy Kiril, and the vet will do whatever is best for Nikita, even if that means letting him go or sparing him medical traumas that might or might not help. HUGS and pats and purrs to all of you!
Miss Elvira
October 9, 2013 at 8:39amThank you Marian,
Daddy Kiril has told us of the last Dog he had in his life and how painful it was to make the choice to take him in to an all night emergency vet for his final journey because his condition had deteriorated so badly.
Daddy has promised Nikita not to let things get that bad, and Nikita has pledged to keep him posted and let him know when he thinks he’s ready for the journey.
October 7, 2013 at 7:37amWhat a gorgeous fellow! I really hope he gets what he needs to get better!
Marian Allen
October 7, 2013 at 8:45amI hope so, too! I hope lots and lots of people click on his donate button and just leave a little bit. It would add up quickly. Katya wanted to go out and get a job so she could give him some green paper. I didn’t want a lawsuit from a disgruntled employer, so I promised her I would give a few monies myself. ~sigh~
Julie Flanders
October 5, 2013 at 9:44pmAww, Mr. Nikita’s a doll. I’d have a crush on him too, KG. Hope he gets the help he needs and is feeling better soon.
Love your #Caturday posts. 🙂
Marian Allen
October 6, 2013 at 9:52amKatya says thank you for your kind words, Jules. She would tell you herself, but she’s busy hacking up a hairball where Charlie will be sure to step on it.