So I gots a new project. ‘Cause I don’t have enough to do.
Coupla other peeps and I are starting a publishing house. We don’t have any money; we’re kids, f’god sake. (Name that reference.) So we have an Indigogo account going under the name of Line by Lion. Cool, huh?
The reason? Our beloved Hydra Publications has had to cease … publication. Due to a near-Jobish series of happenstances, Frank simply ran out of spoons. Hydra took most of his spoonery and paid the least, so Hydra had to go. We all understand and agree (cos we lurvs ‘im), but we shake our fists in the face of Fate and shout defiance!
Not to put too fine a point upon it, we beg for money. Thusly:
Help us Fight Against Houseless Authors!!
Yes, you read that right. Not homeless, houseless. Sadly there are many fabulous authors with quality, finished works and careers on the rise who are set back when their publishing house closes. We have found many authors in this situation, and have built a publishing house dedicated to not only making sure that these works remain available and promoted as they should be, but also to finding and publishing new works. Currently, we have ten titles ready for release, and many other opportunities available. Represented authors Marian Allen, K.A. DaVur, T Lee Harris, Etta Jean.
The purpose of the funding is twofold. First, it is imperative that the authors – and their fans- are still able to access their books during this transitional period. Therefore, a portion of the funding will be used to purchase an adequate number of books as they are currently printed, to be sure that there is no gap in availability. Secondly, funds will be used in the startup costs of the new house. Such costs include buying a domain, purchasing ISBNs, creating and printing catalogs for wholesale purchases, paying for new cover art, purchasing marketing materials, and obtaining booth space at high-visibility events.
So please, dear reader, hop on over and read the rest of the pitch and consider tossing a buck or two in the hat.
Commercial over. Thank yeh. Thank yeh ver’ muuuch.
Oh, meanwhile, my previously published books will still be available or, if temporarily out of print, will soon be available again.
A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: A character’s place of business folds and he or she has to pick up and begin again.
October 9, 2013 at 10:19amThe heck with the place of b’ness going away. We can have a show!!! In the BARN! Our Moms can make the costumes!!!!!
Good damn luck, kiddos! Excelsior!
Marian Allen
October 9, 2013 at 10:35amDamn straight! …Oh, did I say that out loud? Sorry, Mom. Er, you still gonna make the costumes, though, Mom, right? Right? Mom?