I haven’t worn nail polish for years, and suddenly I long for it. I’ve bought three bottles of nail polish in the past month. Two had polka dots floating around in them, and they were okay, except I didn’t get any topcoat and the polka dots popped off at random times and left me wif holes in me polish.
Odd, but I did wear it at a science fiction convention, and they’ve seen worse.
This last bottle is Blue Blaze 05 Color Show Holographic by Maybelline, and I’ve never been so disappointed.
Look. Look here at this. Just look. This is NOT a hologram. This is my actual hand. Do you see any hologram there? on any of the nails? Do you see Princess Leia on there? or even Dean Stockwell in a loud suit, smoking a cigar (Dean Stockwell smoking a cigar, I mean, not the suit)? Do you see Captain Pickard in a fedora and a pinch-back suit, fighting crime in his free time? ‘Cause I don’t.
Holographic, indeed.
I got this color, though, to match the cover of SIDESHOW IN THE CENTER RING, now out in paperback, which I’ll be selling and signing at the Harrison County Public Library this Saturday (October 19, 2013) from 10 am to 2 pm. And, on that point, it succeeds.
Still, it isn’t what I would call holographic, and I’m highly disappointed.
Sing it with me, now:
A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: A character has to deal with disappointment.
October 10, 2013 at 10:08amHolographic? No.