Fruitcake Cocktail, Courtesy of #BlogCrawl

I know Wednesday is Food Day, and I’ll have a recipe or two tomorrow, but I had to share this.

Holly Jahangiri and Cairn Rodrigues invited me to a blogcrawl on Twitter last Saturday. According to the invitation:

A monthly Twitter event for bloggers to mingle over cocktails. Once the buzz sets in, we set a silly topic and blog like drunken fools. You don’t technically have to blog or drink to join the fun, every party needs a designated driver after all.

This was the first one I was able to attend. I remembered that, at a prior one, attendees were challenged to create new cocktails and, mistakenly believing that this was still a part of the festivities, I made one up.

I was making fruitcake that day, so I created the Fruitcake Cocktail. Here are the ingredients:frctl5cSo Holly says, “What’s in the measuring cup?” and I says, “Apple juice.” And she says:

But it actually was apple juice.

Fruitcake Cocktail

  • fruitcake mix
  • raisins
  • chopped pecans and walnuts
  • bourbon
  • apple juice
  • cinnamon stick

Combine fruitcake mix, raisins, nuts, and a bit of bourbon and let it sit for a couple of hours. Put some of this mix in the bottom of a wine glass. Add a jigger of bourbon and top it off with apple juice. Put a stick of cinnamon in.

It doesn’t look pretty, but it tasted great! Plus, the nuts float, and that was fun.

fruitcakecocktail5cAnother part of the crawl is for participants to take prompts and blog on them. Here is Holly’s. Here is Cairn’s. I left before things got that far.

p.s. I’m posting today at Fatal Foodies with a delicious vegetarian dish.






I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Fruitcake Cocktail, Courtesy of #BlogCrawl

  1. Cairn Rodrigues

    December 3, 2013 at 7:09pm

    I’m glad you took the initiative to create your own #BlogCrawl beverage. It keeps us on our toes. I’m also glad you got to join us last weekend so that Dracullama could be born!

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      December 4, 2013 at 12:13pm

      I had SO MUCH FUN! I had forgotten how much I enjoy online chats. 🙂

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  2. Jane

    December 3, 2013 at 10:11am

    My forte as a bartender was stacking up layers in a shotglass and then setting the top on fire (151 rum). It’s a variation on the Spotlight, wherein there’re a red, green, and yellow layers, clearly depicting the aforesaid Spotlight. I am afraid my specialty took a lot of trial and error (taste-testing, if you will), but the results were extremely colorful.
    The liquors are stacked by specific gravity, which relates to sugar content, etc. First, a dash of red syrup, the heaviest thing in the house. Then the various layers are gently poured over the preceding ones to avoid mixing, often via a spoon (but I usually was in a hurry, so I learned how to just pour from the bottles). Imagine 7-8 layers in a single cordial glass. Then top off with the lightest of all, the 151 Baccardi–and light that baby up!
    Only one incident with a spill, but it didn’t catch his beard on fire, so, hey, all’s right with the world.

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      December 3, 2013 at 5:05pm

      Wow! That sounds spectacular! When you come visit in 2050, we’ll have to try some of those babies out. 😉

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  3. Holly Jahangiri

    December 3, 2013 at 8:50am

    I thought it LOOKED awesome, but worried it would taste like… well, not apple juice OR bourbon. Must try this – looks very festive!

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      December 3, 2013 at 8:58am

      It tasted lovely, and I got to eat the nuts and (as Red Tash calls them) fruitsies, too. AND I didn’t have the stuffy head or headache I often get from bourbon. I was willing to risk it for the #BlogCrawl, but something in the combination was magic!

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