DIY Is Fun, Mostly – I Have Fun With DIY, Anyway

DIY — Do It Yourself, in case you don’t know — has held fascination for me for as long as I can remember. I loved reading books about cavemen, Native Americans, castaways, and children fending for themselves or lost in caves or … you get the picture. If they had to form some sort of rudimentary lathe out of rock and sand, I was THERE, man.

I still love DIY, although it needs to be cheap and easy. And, of course, satisfying. That’s why I make bread and mayonnaise, right?

Here are some more DIY projects:

Homemade Laundry Powder — When I first heard about this, I was like, “What’s it made out of? Soap? You make soap with soap? Oooo, that’s so cool and complex. NOT.” But it really kinda is. I make this whenever I run low, which isn’t often, because it lasts for-EV-ver. Cheap. Easy. I’m with it.

While I’m talking about DIY laundry stuff, here is totally my new favorite: replacement for dryer sheets. I bought a couple of those nubby rubber dryer balls, and they pound everything soft and wrinkle-free, but they do nothing for static. These babies will take care of it. Cheap. Easy. Happy me.

I’ve been making smoothies for Mom to eat through her feeding tube, because something in her commercial formula was WAY NOT agreeing with her (don’t sue me, Jevity people, it just wasn’t). Know how you make DIY liquid food? You take food and then you liquify it.

DIY food juice: green beans and lentils and kale, black beans and corn and mayo, chicken noodle soup
DIY food juice:
green beans and lentils and kale
black beans and corn and mayo
chicken noodle soup

So now comes Frugality Gal with a brilliant DIY smoothie freezer pack. Now I am TOTALLY going to make up some freezer packs of food for Mom so she can just take ’em out, heat ’em up, and pour ’em down the old tuberino.

Mom is feeling better, and I’m having a blast. 🙂

A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: A character has to do something DIY for the first time.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “DIY Is Fun, Mostly – I Have Fun With DIY, Anyway

  1. Jane

    January 31, 2014 at 9:43am

    Good recommends, pal!
    I used to be the DIY Queen at my various jobs. Whatever machine you got, I could make it belch along a litle bit longer. Paid attention when the repairmen came, I did. Learned how to take things apart. Copy machines, IBM Selectrics, old computers, what have you. Stuff now, though? A) More flimsy, B) Less moving parts, C) Disposable.

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      January 31, 2014 at 11:58am

      Oh, I don’t know about your not being able to self-repair modern gizmos. I seem to recall a tablet I couldn’t figure out that you fixed better than new. 🙂

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