Meet Mitch #amwriting

This post is part of a Meet My Main Character blog hop, so I invite you to meet Mitch, the main character of A DEAD GUY AT THE SUMMERHOUSE, my current work-in-progress.

Thank you, Anne Marie Lutz, for inviting me to play!


Meet Mitch
Picture I drew of Mitch in 1968

1.) What is the name of your character?

James Michener Franklin. Nickname: Mitch

2.) Is he/she fictional or a historic person?

He’s completely fictional, but the story is set in 1968, so I guess that makes him fictional historical.

3.) When and where is the story set?

In the summer of 1968, in the fictional small town of Faelin in southern Indiana.

4.) What should we know about him/her?

He was abandoned in an alley when he was an infant. He’s spent his entire life up until the story in Faelin’s municipal children’s home.

5.) What is the main conflict? What messes up his/her life?

He’s hired as a handyman, but he isn’t treated like a hired man. From the woman who treats him like a stinkbug to the man who treats him as a confidant to the girls who insist he’s the reincarnation of the dead guy at the summerhouse, the whole family seems bizarre to him. On the other hand, he has no personal knowledge of family life, so he’s never sure of his own judgement.

6.) What is the personal goal of the character?

All he wants is a place to belong and, if possible, to avoid being sent to Vietnam.

7.) Is there a working title for this novel, and can we read more about it?

The working title is A DEAD GUY AT THE SUMMERHOUSE. I’ve been publishing excerpts from it here on my blog on the past few Sample Sundays.

8.) When can we expect the book to be published or when was it published?

I hope it will be out by the end of 2014 through Per Bastet Publications.

Now I’m a-taggin’ Bob Sanchez and Cairn Rodrigues. They’ll post their Meet My Character posts in one week, September 22, 2014.

~ Bob Sanchez wrote tech manuals back in the day and now spends his golden years writing fiction, book reviews, and blog posts. He and his wife live happily in New Mexico with their two cats.

Bob Sanchez
When Pigs Fly voted #1 Best Indie on Goodreads!

~ Cairn Rodrigues is a lapsed chef and a current writer of refreshingly delightful fantasy fiction. She has a passably good relationship with punctuation while maintaining the high standards and integrity of self-published authors the world over. With over 30k tweets to her credit, she can sum up even the most profound and convoluted thought into a mere 140 characters as if by magic. Cairn knows all the words to La Bamba and is very well educated in classic American porn. She enjoys glitzy fireworks displays, the iridescent feathers on common street pigeons and a really great Monte Cristo sandwich.

Amazon page

A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: Answer those questions for YOUR main character.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Meet Mitch #amwriting

    • Author
  1. Bob Sanchez

    September 16, 2014 at 6:40pm

    I’m so glad to be tagged by you, Miz Marian! Soon I’ll keep the flame burning. Or sputtering.

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  2. Jane

    September 16, 2014 at 9:27am

    Good questionaire.
    I like the info about Mitch. Aside from how dreamy he looks (heh), he does appear to be an interesting, I-want-to-hear-more character.

    So….Mitch LOOKS like the dead guy. I was thinking we were going to be FINDING a dead guy in the summerhouse. Intriguing.

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      Marian Allen

      September 16, 2014 at 12:13pm

      There WAS a dead guy at the summerhouse, and now that guy is BURIED back there. Mitch doesn’t LOOK like him, but there’s a certain contingent who thinks Mitch is possessed by him. heh

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