Hap……..py New Year! #ThrowbackThursday

Before I forget, it’s not just the first of the year, it’s the first of the month, so there’s a new Hot Flash on the Hot Flashes page, and last year’s Monthly Hot Flashes have moved out onto their own page. They grow up so quickly, don’t they?

In looking back, I see that I made my first blog post ever on January 11, 2008, on my old WEBLAHG. Here it is, in its entirety:

It’s cold in Southern Indiana today, but I’m cozy at the library, where they have high-speed internet.  I’m supposed to be writing my food history column, but I’m messing around getting a blog started.

If I don’t get back into fiction writing soon, I’ll start hallucinating.  It’s just a matter of making the time–I have time here and there, and I could easily use it to write, but I’m so bone lazy I end up playing Mahjongg or the Linux Tetris.  Pathetic.  Maybe a blog will help.  Maybe I’ll think, “I need to update my blog.  No, that’s too much like work–I think I’ll write something instead.”

Here’s hoping!

At least it was short.

What turned out happening was, the more days I updated my blog, the more I felt like writing. Getting words out kept the juices flowing, maybe. At any rate, blogging has been berry berry good to me.

A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: A character tries to trick herself into doing something difficult.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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