Inspired by Holly Jahangiri’s story challenge, I began the story of Michael and Marisa yesterday.
I think I want it to be a fantasy with a happy ending.
I popped my outline into Scrivener and started character notes. I’ll go back and forth with those for a while, and maybe add at least one other character. I’m trying to decide if a child is involved. I tend to think not, but I may surprise myself.
It’s been a busy weekend, and a busy beginning of the week. Mom has been poorly, and she’s in the hospital as I write. Should come home today. She won’t let me post what her problem is, but, as my friend Jane told her, “This, too, shall pass.” Make of that what you will. I’ll never post whether any guesses are right or wrong. Those as needs to know, does know.
Meanwhile, I’m posting today at Fatal Foodies about the potato soup Charlie cooked, and what I made of it. He’s a peach, a treasure, a gem!
A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: Introduce your main character to a main character of someone else’s.
January 13, 2015 at 10:53amI like the writing prompt. I think Callie wouldn’t mind seeting Mitch. He seems as if he’d taste real good!
Marian Allen
January 13, 2015 at 11:18am*gasp* Mitch would FREAK OUT!!!! He likes Dark Shdows, but not as a participant!