Blue Yarn Reborn #amknitting

So my magic scarf wasn’t so magic, so Mom unraveled it and wound it into a ball again for me. It gave her a project to work on in rehab. Yes, she’s still there, and progressing satisfactorily. I meet with her care team on Wednesday.

ANYWAY, I started a new project with that same yarn. This is another pattern I’ve never done before (I’ve done very few patterns, because I am a Bear of Very Little Brain).

For this one, you knit six rows, or however many you choose to do. Then you stick your needle through a stitch as if to knit, wrap the yarn around it THREE times instead of one, and knit. Do that with each stitch in the row. The next row, you knit a stitch, and pull the next two loops off without knitting them. Knit, pull off two. Knit, pull off two. But I think you need to knit the last stitch, even though it’s a pull-off one. Then knit six rows, or however many you choose to do, then do the droppy bit again. Then knit six rows (or however many), then do the droppy bit.

Here’s what it looks like so far:

Blue Yarn Reborn

blue yarn rebornSo far, I like it. I got the pattern from New Stitch A Day.

I’m posting today at Fatal Foodies with a quick and easy snack or side.

A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: A character fails and must begin again from scratch.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “Blue Yarn Reborn #amknitting

  1. Holly Jahangiri

    February 3, 2015 at 8:40am

    No pics of the UNmagic scarf? How disappointing to finish it and it not be magic. I’m sorry – but it’s lovely yarn, and I’m glad it gave your mom something to do!

    I still say knitting looks (and to me, is) so much harder than crochet! Yikes. All that dropping… it’s like flying without a net, over there, isn’t it?

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    • Author

      Marian Allen

      February 3, 2015 at 6:05pm

      I did take a picture of the UNmagic scarf, which I’m linking to in my commenluv+ link here. BO-ring. Knitting may well be more difficult than crochet, but Mom disagrees and says she could never learn how to crochet, but she could knit, so that’s what she taught me, so that’s what I learned. Luckily, dropping stitches is what I do best, so this is a pretty good pattern for me. heh

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  2. Holly

    February 3, 2015 at 7:11pm

    I could never get the hang of dropping the RIGHT stitches. Tell your mom there’s only one implement of destruction to lose in crochet, but the hook doesn’t double as chopsticks when you’re hungry, or a bun fastener when you’re in a hurry.

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