Mom’s home! It’s so great to have her back, and she’s plumb tuckered.
Now for the goodies:
Dr. Shinde Sweety is an author, artist, and (she claims) an Impractical Dreamer. She writes and reviews wonderful books, and draws wonderful pencil sketches. Spend some time dreaming with her.
While we’re talking about books and book reviews, I recommend you to P. J. Nunn’s bookbrowsing blog, particularly this post by Kris Bock on writing author bios. Whether you’re in the market for a publicist or a good read, P.J.’s blog is one-stop shopping.
Bette A. Stevens is a Maine author who shares my delight in Monarch butterflies. She writes and reviews books, writes poetry inspired by nature, and spotlights authors. She also champions Monarch butterflies. So YAY!!
If you have a couple of hours you want to spend with a friend, I recommend Lord David Prosser. He writes the freakin’ longest blog posts inna wirld. INNA WIRLD, I TELL YA! All about his doing this and doing that, and clearing out his email inbox, and messing about with his fish…. But I resent having other things to do when I could be reading his post.
Meanwhile, I’m writing a new Pimchan story, a sequel to “Undivided” from Sword & Sorceress XXIII.
A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: Write something with butterflies in.
February 20, 2015 at 10:20amI love the variety of your recommends.
You always have susch interesting people for us to meet.
Thanks again.
Marian Allen
February 20, 2015 at 11:43amAlways sumpin going on in the interwebs!
Mom would say hi back, but she’s sleeping. Gotta recover from recovery. heh