From Texas To Riven #ThrowbackThursday

96 J'naninOur youngest grandson has been staying with us some this summer, and he spends his days on the computer. It reminds me of when his big brother stayed with us, and he and I played through the first three Myst games. Actually, I think I got hold of them in reverse order, so we played Exile, then Riven, then Myst.

It was a blast!

I was hoping youngest and I would be able to play, but I don’t have the equipment to play any of his games, alas! So he just watches videos of other people playing, then goes home and uses their tips and examples in his own gameplay. Is sad. Maybe I’ll load some of the games I used to play with older onto my laptop and see if I can interest him. 🙂

When Charlie and I went to San Antonio some years ago, we visited the Japanese Sunken Gardens. Some of the scenes put me in mind of the Myst games. Beautiful and strange.

96 Sunken Garden house

And it also made me think of Cloak & Dagger, a super-duper kid’s spy movie set in San Antonio, starring Dabney Coleman, who should have played a good guy more often. Bad guys chased Dabney and the main-character kid all over San Antone, including through these gardens. I watch the movie every now and then, as an alternative to driving back to Texas.

A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: Set a chase scene in a landmark area you’re familiar with. Jane already did this in her vampire comedy/adventure When Push Comes to Shove, set in Louisville, Kentucky during Derby week.



I was born in Louisville, Kentucky, but now live in the woods in southern Indiana. Though I only write fiction, I love to read non-fiction. The more I learn about this world, the more fantastic I see it is.

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One thought on “From Texas To Riven #ThrowbackThursday

  1. Jane

    July 9, 2015 at 9:15am

    Thanks for the shout out, MA!

    Louisville is also featured in the olde filme STRIPES.
    I was a bit weird for all the stuff they -er- used in a wrong way, but nice, too. Ex: whenever Bill had a fare in his cab, he drove over the Ohio River. Now, once you do that, you’re not in Louisville anymore, but … so what?

    My early draft of Callie #2 has the girls starting the Bardstown Road Pub Crawl at Phoenix Hill Tavern. And…WHAT? It did .. what?

    Sadly, Phoenix Hill closed abruptly last month! Big commotion! Been there for decades.
    And then, what? The Rudyard Kipling shut its doors within 10 days later!
    I don’t know where to get a decent drink w/atmosphere anymore!
    I’m going to have to shove the girls into the Bambi Bar, I reckon. Sheesh!
    I suppose I could utilize some restaurant or other with a nice, separate, late hours bar… Wait, What the…?

    Sorry, I can’t keep up anymore.

    Love the Japanese Sunken Garden!

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  2. Dan

    July 9, 2015 at 8:08am

    I like it when we see places we know in movies.

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