A Bird In The Hand by Sweetie Pie #Caturday

Sweetie PieSweetie Pie Turner here.

We had another wildlife adventure here the other day. MomGoth (Amidala’s MaMA) came up here as she does every morning to take care of my Mom. Charlie (MomGoth’s Mister) came up, too, to get something out of Mom’s basement. MomGoth held the front door open for him to carry the thing out, and a bird flew into the house!

Now, I like a bird as much as any cat, but not in my house! I like them out on the porch, where I can watch them and smack the door and make them fly away. I don’t want them in here, where they might eat my food!

You stay on your side, and I’ll stay on my side.

The bird just barely came in. He landed on the rug, and got his claws all tangled in the nap of the rug so he couldn’t move. When my claws do that, MomGoth trims them, so I thought she would do that to the bird. All she did was untangle his claws.

He just stayed still and let her do it! I always wiggle and try to get away when she messes with my claws, but the bird just sat there. Then she opened the door and held him in the palm of her hand, and he took off and flew away.

MomGoth said it was a lot nicer than the snakes she had to put out this summer, even though the snakes were so little this bird could have eaten them.

chickadeesnakesSo, thank you, MomGoth, for making sure my food is safe from these little freeloaders.

Oh, MomGoth says the bird was a chickadee. It’s a nice name, but he still can’t have any of my food.

A WRITING PROMPT FOR ANIMALS: Have you ever had an animal who didn’t belong in the house?


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One thought on “A Bird In The Hand by Sweetie Pie #Caturday

  1. Jane

    January 17, 2016 at 9:52am

    Great outcome on the bird wrangling!
    Birds in the house are often intense occasions. It usually takes a door wrangler plus a large plastic container-waver to invite them to freedom.

    I had a curious outdoor cat come in, Goober startled him, and it took about four days to wrangle him back to the front door. During two of those days, we thought he had already sneaked back outside. No he was hiding in a place that wasn’t even a place: He was behind a chest perching on the top of the baseboard. Yes, the usual, ordinary, quarter-inch, regular baseboard one might find anywhere.

    And it’s the INDOOR guy named Goober!

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    • Marian Allen

      January 17, 2016 at 6:21pm

      I didn’t know the story about the hidden cat! It’s totally crazy, the tiny places they can squeeze themselves into. Yeah, we really lucked out with the bird trapping itself so quickly and painlessly. I was afraid it would thrash around and hurt itself, but everything worked out great. ~whew!~

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  2. Dan

    January 16, 2016 at 8:05am

    Aww. Nice job. I can imagine it was hard to keep Sweetie Pie at bay.

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    • Marian Allen

      January 16, 2016 at 8:11am

      No, she tells the truth; she wanted no part of the weird thing. She likes her birds OUTSIDE. lol

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