Every so often, somebody asks me what my favorite book is. It’s this one.
Three Men In A Boat is my go-to book to read when I’m really blue. When I’m simply blue, I read a Terry Pratchett book and it amuses me and cheers me up. When I’m by God depressed, I read Titus Groan and Gormenghast by Mervyn Peake; they engulf me and both mirror and absorb the depression — sort of a literary re-uptake inhibitor. But when I’m middling blue, I read Three Men In A Boat. I read it a lot. It’s silly, serious, poetic, slapstick, informative, and utterly satisfying.
This election season, I’m waffling between Three Men In A Boat and Titus Groan.
But, you. Read Three Men In A Boat.
I’m posting today at Fatal Foodies about a delicious fishes dishes.
A WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: What’s your favorite book? What’s your main character’s go-to book?
June 14, 2016 at 7:45am3 men is a wonderful confection. And I always think of opening cans. My dear Mommy tried that one day while I was away, and she had about 14 can openers laid out on the counter alongside a can of Chef Boyardee. I hadn’t even known we had that many openers! And she’d tried each one! Including the stabby one we don’t let our kids even know exists anymore. NB: No injuries (other than to the can) were recorded at this event. That was one beat up can!
Lately, the book that’s made the most impression on me has been Steven Mithen’s “After the Ice.” Highly recommended.
Marian Allen
June 14, 2016 at 8:03amLOL! I love your Mommy stories! She was quite a lady, her whole life long. HUGS
June 14, 2016 at 7:29amProdigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver is my happy place sorta book. I have a lot of friends who love Terry Pratchett books, and yet I’ve never read a single one. Perhaps I should. Thank you for the recommendation.
Marian Allen
June 14, 2016 at 8:02amHmmmm…. Which one, which one…. I like his middle books better than his early ones or later ones. Lords and Ladies is a good one for the witches, as is Wyrd Sisters. The first TP book I ever read is Moving Pictures, so I have a special fondness for that one. Reaper Man just might be my favorite Death book, although Hogfather is especially myffic. You have so much pleasure in store for you!
June 14, 2016 at 6:35amFor all that I love to read, I don’t have an answer to your question right now. Maybe, if times were really tight, I would retreat to the Edgar Rice Burroughs books (especially the Barsoom series) I loved as a preteen and teen. Not great literature, but I loved them.
Marian Allen
June 14, 2016 at 7:53amBooks I loved as a kid: The Freddy the Pig series, The Diamond in the Window, A Wrinkle in Time, Thorntree Meadows. Thanks for the memories! š