When I get shrunken to microscopic size, my bestest friends will be a water bear. Or, to give it a more proper name, a tardigrade. They are SO AMAZING! They can live in space, they can survive being frozen; scientists are toying with splicing their…

When I get shrunken to microscopic size, my bestest friends will be a water bear. Or, to give it a more proper name, a tardigrade. They are SO AMAZING! They can live in space, they can survive being frozen; scientists are toying with splicing their…
Here are some more pictures from our foray to Jeffersonville, Indiana. We were headed to Schimpff’s. That Coca-Cola sign was the glow of the Holy Grail. IT WAS CLOSED! So we wandered disconsolately onward and came to O’Shea’s. But the door didn’t say O’Shea’s. That’s…
If you’re from the American Midwest, you know what I’m talkin’ about: an item essential to the USA’s mid-twentieth-century cooking: fluorescent orange process cheese food. Yes, Velveeta! This gummy block of unlikely color was introduced in America and Canada in 1928. It has the…