Hi, there! I’m Tipper Allen, and guess what? I only bited Momma one time this week! And I let her cut my claws and that wasn’t when I bited her. I was just playing, but it blooded her a little. I was sorry. Guess what…
Month: September 2017
Friday: The day I recommend random things and mash their titles into one delicious morsel of click bait. As if Cats that behave like liquids, tampons that play music, and other “advances” honored with Ig Nobel Prizes weren’t baity enough. Ah, Science, Science, how do…
The Kentuckiana Authors had us another Book Blitz on Spring Street in Jeffersonville, Indiana. We were again at 300 Spring, pretty much at the Indiana end of the walking bridge that spans the Ohio River from Louisville to Indiana. I didn’t get a picture of…